Life changing
when knowing Luang Por Dhammajayo
Have you heard about this name "Luang Por Dhammajayo"?
I am sure you would say "yes" if you happened to say "No". Then, you should read what I am going to tell you.
Because you might have missed something that can shift your life forever....
Coming to Wat Phra Dhammakaya and getting to know Luang Por Dhammajayo are actually a blessing to me because Luang Por Dhammajayo has been teaching me how to live a happy and balancing life and how to meditate as well as nurturing me with the inspiration and motivation toward success.
Can you tell me who don't want to live a happy and balancing life? And how? It would be as simply as a piece of cake when you have someone who can tell you the answer. So who would do that? And how would you be able to know if that would be the suitable answer for you? Here at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Luang Por Dhammajayo, a genorous, determined, and peaceful monk who is the Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, has been teaching people via live broadcast, called DMC, for more than 10 years. He is really good at explaining the Buddhist teaching and always very patient with his students around the world. Let me give you the example of what he taught: Catching positiveness in others, law of action, daily codes of conduct which make a lot of senses and very practical in any situations, and so on. To me, acknowledging this fundamental knowledge which sounds very simple, yet effective, is the most valuable thing in my life.
The meditation technique taught at Wat Phra Dhammakaya by Luang Por Dhammajayo is tangible. When you practice, you will see the changes in you. Especially when you practice Dhammakaya Meditation Technique with UG5, 5 universal values taught by the vice Abbot, you will see tremendous changes in you. It would take me so much time to talk about the benefits because they are plentiful. Let's try and you will feel what I have experienced from the techniques, Dhammakaya meditation and UG5 (you can be a scientist and perform this experiment for yourself. Don't worry! It is free, and there is really nothing to lose. This way, it is much better than just read and believe in what I wrote) It really transformed me from a moody person with high ego to a happy person who can balance the work and free time really well. Therefore, I really feel grateful to Luang Por Dhammajayo.
Luang Por Dhammajayo, is a monk who is one of the best motivators, always gives inspiration and encouragement to everyone. I can say that he does them all the times in his daily life and via DMC. Since I have known Luang Por Dhammajayo, I have never felt tired of being a better and better person. I can stick to my goal continuously. The obstacles that I had encountered became smaller and finally disappear. This happened easily when I use the tips that he always teaches every students in DMC.
I think if you really visit any of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, close your eyes and open your mind, you will see what I wrote and witnessed. Most importantly, your life will be better and nearer toward your goal. Don't you want to accomplish your goal in life or to be a better person?
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